
Utilizing The Power Of Energy To Heal

Reiki Healing is a system of utilizing the energy of the earth, sky, and plants, which assist the body in correcting emotional imbalances where negative emotions are replaced with positive ones. Reiki works with herbs, homeopathy, and medications and is safe for everyone, including children, pregnant women, pets, the elderly, and plants. They act as powerful catalysts in the journey to self-awareness and health of body and soul.


Emotional Energy Balancing can provide impressive results for physical and emotional issues. Any mechanical, emotional, or nutritional stress can impede the natural healing potential of the human body, which then can cause physical issues, chronic pain, or diagnosed conditions. Emotional Energy Balancing can assist in removing emotional stress and bring the body into a balanced state.

It is no surprise that with the relentless stress we experience daily, there is a rise in U.S. statistics for stress-related conditions, including heart disease and stroke, eating disorders, immune deficiencies, and some cancers. The good news is that the same mechanism that creates and sustains our stress responses, often subconsciously, can also be regulated to help us relieve the stress healthily—even when the world is in chaos. We can make these changes quickly and intentionally. Our hearts send our brains the signals of chaos when we feel negative emotions. Positive emotions send a signal to our brains that is more regular, rhythmic, and orderly. In the presence of positive emotions, such as appreciation, gratitude, compassion, and caring, the stress hormones in our bodies decrease while immune and anti-aging properties increase.

In each moment of every day, a conversation occurs inside us. It is one of the most vital conversations we will ever engage in. It is the silent, often subconscious, and never-ending conversation of emotion-based signals between the heart and the brain. This conversation is so important because the quality of the emotional signal the heart sends to the brain determines what chemicals are released into our bodies. When we feel what we would call negative emotions (anger, hate, jealousy, and rage), the heart sends a signal to the brain that mirrors our feelings. Such emotions are irregular and chaotic, and this is precisely what the signal they send to the brain looks like. 

The stress from negative emotions increases the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline levels in our bloodstream, which prepare us for a quick and powerful reaction to whatever is causing us. However, our bodies can never recover if we are always in this ‘fight or flight’ action. When we are constantly in this state, our digestive system shuts down, which may be a precursor for the digestive issues we experience. See information on Enzyme and Nutrition Therapy.   

At Tierra Wellness, Emotional Energy Balancing utilizes different techniques and therapies that help gently release energetic blockages and restore mental, emotional, spiritual, and, many times, physical wellness.

Hormone Health

Hormones can be balanced naturally without using risky and expensive drugs. At Harmonic Wellness, we work with you to support the body’s power to naturally produce hormones and appropriately interact with all human tissues. It is imperative to have balanced hormonal health to enjoy vibrant energy and wellness. It all starts in the digestive system. Hormone health depends not on age but complex factors: quality of your diet, sleep, and exercise; the air you breathe, the water you drink; emotional health; and many other life variables.

Any three of the following may indicate a hormone imbalance:

Blurred Vision Difficulty Sleeping PMS Symptoms
Cramps Engorged Breast Excessive Fascial Hair
Fatigue Headaches History of Antibiotic Use
Infertility Irregular Menstruation Lack of Sexual Interest
Mood Swings Oily Skin or Acne Painful Intercourse
Poor Sense of Smell Thinning Hair Vaginal Dryness
Weight Issues

Call Us Now For Reiki At (973) 620-8811

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